How Does Social Media Impact Retailers?

Who doesn't have some type of social media account, whether it is Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tik Tok or Instagram?
The majority of people (especially millennials) will have one, if not all of these types of social media accounts. It is important that retailers are on social media in order to connect with past, existing and potential customers.
Many retailers look at social media as just a marketing tool, when in reality, if utilised properly, it can be a way to increase sales, gather analytics as well as engaging with customers, improving brand image and develop their business.
According to the PWC Total Retail Survey 2016 where 22,618 shoppers over 25 countries were surveyed:
- 67% said that either reading or writing social media reviews and comments influenced their online shopping
- 44% said receiving promotional offers on social media influenced their shopping decisions
- 16% were happy to purchase products directly from a social media channel
The benefits of using social media as part of their buying journey to the consumer include:
- Being able to get the latest promotions and additional discounts
- Getting the latest product information
- Having contact with customer service to get problems dealt with quickly
- Being able to offer feedback on products and services
So it is a positive to both retailer and customer to maximise usage of social media. For a retail business it is essential that they evolve with social media or they will get left behind.