Retail Supply Chain Truck Audit

An international toy, clothing, and baby product retailer offers toys, video games, dolls, action figures, learning games, building blocks and more. The retailer has multiple stores internationally and a website which also features articles and videos about the latest toy trends and hot brands, plus in-depth product reviews, hot toy lists and other brand experiences.

An international toy retailer needed a retail supply chain audit as it was suspected that the internal truck and trailer audits were not preventing errors in the supply chain.

The international toy retailer required RGIS to review the internal process which showed:

  • Audits occurred only at the distribution center
  • Nine weekly audits – one at each distribution center
  • Labor intensive; resources needed to stay focused on core responsibilities
  • Limited budget to address the issue
  • The process lacked frequency to draw a valid conclusion, and only checked for mistakes made while shipping from the distribution center, but not while receiving at the stores

The international toy retailer partnered with RGIS to complete the retail supply chain truck audit project, and RGIS provided the following:

  • Nationwide coverage to all 866 store locations
  • Scheduled 40 audits per week
  • Training to perform custom audits
  • Performed truck and trailer audits inspecting for:
    • Accuracy
    • Correct procedures
    • Safety

The international toy retailer found by outsourcing the retail supply chain truck audit project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:

  • Better visibility into the supply chain. The retailer was able take immediate action when a problem was discovered
  • Prevented errors – especially in split loads
  • Identified and addressed theft issues – by providing pin lock and seal inspections
  • Raised awareness about safety – by checking for violations
  • Affordability – an increase in frequency for roughly the same cost as internal audits
  • Unbiased – RGIS was able to perform blind audits
  • The retailer was able to adjust processes to ensure accuracy, safety and quality